Can I see the same doctor all the time?
Generally, yes. Especially when booking your well child exams in advance, you can schedule with your preferred provider. However, realize that there will be times when you may see someone else for acute visits. Always mention your preference when booking your appointment and our staff will do everything to accommodate your needs.
What do I do when the office is closed?
For life threatening emergencies, call 911. Otherwise, for an after hours emergency call the main office number (264-4333) and the answering service will page the on-call physician. Your call will be returned within one hour. If you have not received a call back within this time, please call back. When you speak to the on-call doctor remember to inform them if your child has any special needs or significant medical history. If you feel your child needs immediate medical attention, please go to the emergency room at Wolfson Children’s Hospital. For non-emergency questions, you can refer to the links on this web site for information regarding common problems or call during regular office hours. Read more about After Hour Emergencies.
Can I call the office with questions?
Certainly. Most calls are returned by the physicians or ARNP. Calls are answered before noon and before closing at 5 PM. Please let us know if you feel your call is an emergency. When you call provide as much information as possible such as your child’s temperature if you are calling about fever, pharmacy numbers if calling for refills, etc. And please give us your current phone number to call.
Do you provide separate waiting rooms for sick and well children?
This is not feasible in our facility. However, our solution is to separate sick and well children by time of day. Infant well exams are generally scheduled early in the day and acute illness visits later. If you are concerned about exposing your infant to illnesses, always schedule your routine appointments first thing in the morning.
Do you allow modifications to the recommended immunization schedule?
As pediatricians, we support the AAP’s policy of vaccination. Current vaccine schedules are scientifically formulated and designed to protect children from serious illnesses as soon as their immune systems can respond. Therefore we generally DO NOT deviate from the recommended schedule unless medically indicated. If you do not plan to immunize your child, we are not the practice for you.
How much tylenol should I give my child?
It’s important to know how much pain medication to give your child.
How do I get medication refills?
Refills for ADHD medications should be requested a minimum of 24 hours prior to pickup. Other medication requests can be faxed to us from the pharmacy. Please allow 72 hours to process these requests.
What happens if my child requires hospitalization?
We work closely with the hospitalist service at Wolfson Children’s Hospital. This service is staffed by board certified pediatricians who only practice in the hospital. They are available 24 hours per day and ensure efficient state-of-the-art inpatient management. Read more about Wolfson Children’s Hospital.
How can I get forms completed?
If your child has a current physical examination on file we can complete camp forms, sports physicals, immunization forms (680), and Florida school physical forms. Please allow 48 hours for form completion. Find and print our forms here.
I’m expecting a new baby. How soon do I need to be seen after birth?
All hospitals in our area provide 24 hour neonatology services so our physicians no longer see newborns in the hospital. However, we like to see your newborn within 1 to 2 days of discharge. Just give us a call after you deliver. You can download registration forms and complete them before your appointment. In addition, bring your hospital discharge papers, insurance card, and photo ID for your first appointment.
We accept most commercial plans and some Medicaid. Please call the office for specific insurances.
Financial policy
If we are a contracted provider with your insurance, we will file for you. However, you are responsible for payment of any copays, coinsurance, and deductible amounts at the time of service. We accept cash, checks, Visa and Mastercard.
Missed appointments
A $25 fee will be charged for any missed appointment or cancellation within 24 hours of the appointment.